

Europäischer Verband beruflicher Bildungsträger (EVBB) e.V. contributes its vast network and experience in promoting quality and innovation in VET across Europe. As a key partner, EVBB facilitates the exchange of best practices, contributes to the development of the common training framework, and engages in activities to enhance the digital and pedagogical skills of VET staff.


AKMI is the largest VET provider in Greece and one of the 7 largest in Europe. It was founded back in 1989 and today is active in 8 cities across Greece (Athens, Piraeus, Thessaloniki, Crete, Larissa, Rhodes, Chalkida, Glyfada) representing almost 60% of the total VET sector in the country providing post-secondary education, of EQF levels 3-5. AKMI provides to the learners the opportunity to study one of the 107 specialties, in more than 340 laboratories in 14 different sectors.

AKMI has also an extensive and demonstrated experience in managing European Funds and implementing large projects and in Curricula Design, Delivery of Trainings, Delivery of Training Material, Mobility Activities etc.


The Albanian Network for Rural Development (ANRD) is a national civil society organization (CSO) network dedicated to advancing rural development across Albania. Established by 14 founding organizations, ANRD has grown now comprising 37 member organizations as of August 2024. These members are actively involved in various rural development initiatives across different regions of the country.

ANRD operates through four regional structures—north, central, east, and south—allowing for a wide-reaching and inclusive approach. This structure not only strengthens the network’s presence at the local level but also promotes stakeholder engagement across all levels, creating a nationwide, inclusive, and grassroots platform for rural development. Furthermore, ANRD provides opportunities for Local Action Groups (LAGs) to participate and network within the organization.


APPK is a non-governmental and non-profit organisation active in socio-economic reintegration, vocational training, certifications, and job placement.

APPK is a leader in socio-economic reintegration and capacity building of different target groups by ensuring their socio-economic sustainability and professional advancement to impact economic development and the general stabilisation of the community.

APPK was founded and registered in 2001 in the Ministry of Public Affairs, Republic of Kosovo. It is the most predominant employment organisation in Kosovo. APPK has implemented projects entrusted by different donors, such as the EU, UNDP, IOM, German government, local governments, etc., and more than 30,000 Kosovo citizens have benefited from those projects.


AUT is a unique centre of higher education in Albania. The focus of its activity is education, scientific research, and knowledge transfer.

While operating as an Institution of Higher Education, AUT has a threefold mission of professional and quality education for the younger generations and academic staff, which are intertwined with scientific and professional research. Studying at AUT, enables students to gain in-depth scientific and professional education in areas such as; Environment and Natural Resources, Agriculture, Economy and Agribusiness, Rural Development Policy, Territorial Development, Finance & Accounting; Agritourism, Wood Processing Engineering, Biotechnology and Food, Veterinary Medicine & Public Health, but above all, if offers students a plethora of opportunities to be responsible citizens in the service of society.

BK Consult GmbH

BKC is a niche service provider, with vast -over 20 years- experience in Project Management and service delivery.

Within this context, BK Consult GbR is providing services that include:  

  • Education, including the design and delivery of Training Curricula, using state of the art methodologies (TNA, DACUM, EU Competence Frameworks, EQAVET, EU Credit systems, Learning Agreements, Evaluation through the creation of feedback loops), and smart ICT and other tools like e-learning through MOOC platforms, gamification, experiential education.
  • Employment, either as facilitators through the support of start-ups and entrepreneurship, or through the effective upskilling and reskilling of employees and unemployed, according to the actual market needs. Areas of services provided cover the design and implementation of market needs analysis, the conduction of tracer studies, ALMPs and the introduction of WBL and apprenticeship schemes at a sectorial or country level.
  • Social Inclusion, targeting vulnerable groups, including single parent families, long-term unemployed, minority groups, TCNs (migrants, refugees, asylum seekers) and tackling of discrimination of any kind (gender based, sexual identity).

BKC is currently leading in total 8 Projects under ERASMUS+, and is additionally participating in more than 40 ongoing Projects with a total Project value of more than 5M Euros, covering the role of the Quality Assurance and Evaluation Partner. Additionally, BKC is offering Quality Assurance Services as a subcontractor for various projects in the field of VET, Rights Equality and Citizenship and Higher Education, ensuring that the projects are going to meet the foreseen results and objectives. 

Don Bosco Center of Tirana

Don Bosco Center of Tirana has been operating in Albania since 1994, with the aim to provide social, cultural, scholastic activities for children and youths with being particularly focused on attending the most disadvantaged. It has as a model of inspiration St. John Bosco, founder of the Salesians and his Preventive System known all over the World. Its philosophy is founded entirely on reason, religion and loving kindness. It aims to educate the new generations to solidarity, dialogue, tolerance, peace, and friendship, without any distinction of nationality, race, gender, faith, physical qualities.

We are also part of the Salesian Family – a vast moment of both professed religious and lay persons who share the same charisma of Don Bosco, working for the welfare of the young. We also have numerous collaborators all over the world who share in our mission of working for the young. Together we encounter millions of young people every day all over the world, having presences in over 130 countries.

Don Bosco Center of Tirana activities are: Elementary, Middle and High School; Vocational High School for ITC; Vocational Training Centre; Oratorio Youth Centre; Day Care Centre involving more than 1.500 children and young people (age 5 – 18 years old) daily.


FILSE (Finanziaria Ligure per lo Sviluppo Economico) is the technical body assisting Liguria Region in implementation of policies and interventions for sustainable economic development, supporting business creation, tech-transfer and incubation for startups/SMEs. FILSE has more than 20 years of incubation best practice experience with its regional incubators.

The range of action of FILSE refers in particular to technical and operational support, environmental regeneration policies and support for economic development. We support Liguria Region in the management and programming of public financial instruments for Ligurian SMEs and public entities.Our supporting role include the definition of an institutional, regulatory and management architecture for the new innovation and research strategy of the Region and the constant development of projects and services aimed at supporting every sector of the Ligurian economy.

At international level, FILSE is a full member of EBN – European Business Innovation Centers Association, the EIC – EU Innovaton Council Partnership and CCRI – EC Circular Cities and Regions Initiative. We have experience in EU financed projects development and coordination: we have been participating in 14 projects in the last 3 years on several different EU Programmes such as Horizon2020, Horizon Europe, COSME, INTERREG Marittimo, ENI CBC MED, ALCOTRA.

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Albania


Network of Organisations for Rural Development of Kosovo (NORDK) was established in 2013, as a national network that promotes and supports the development of relationships and partnership between different sectors of the rural community in Kosovo through advocacy activities which contribute to sustainable rural development. The Network cooperates with various organisations of the same profile, exchanges ideas, information, and experiences, and promotes and organizes activities in the field of rural development.

NORDK as a national network, has over 50 members including union of women farmer’s associations, Local Action Groups, youth councils and minority organisations (Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian, Serbs, Bosnians, Turkish and Gorani) and other organisations with rural, economic and advocacy background.

In national level Network is member and partner of various civil society platforms and forums aiming development of civil society and socio-economic development. During last period NORDK officially signed Memorandums of Cooperation with Agency for Gender Equality within Office of Prime of Kosovo and with Association of Municipalities of Kosovo.


VIS is an Italian NGO that has been working in Albania since 1995.

Since 2009 it has been working in northern Albania with projects related to rural development and the promotion of these areas both nationally and internationally.

Enhancement of local products, training and economic support to local tourism actors and their communities and slow tourism have been the areas VIS has been most involved in over the years.

VIS in Albania applies the LEADER/CLLD approach in rural development and community empowerment projects.

It is now considered a reference point for issues such as rural development, sustainable tourism and support for small businesses and ensures a constant presence in the area thanks to the Local Development Agents.

Flagship of this approach is the provision of a Local Development Fund for the territory, managed by a management committee (now board), a practical application of European LAGs.

It is part of national and international networks such as ANRD and Slow Food.